Final Fantasy X

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The Ulitmate Site for Final Fantasy X and X-2

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Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 are a copywrite of Square-Enix Co.
All articles are the property of the webmaster and are for personal use only.

Updates: 12/28/04
When I said there would be a lot more updates, I didn't really mean a half a year later. But I have been busy and I almost just forgot about this website. But there should be more to come. For now, I added a page on Final Fantasy X Chocobos. I wish I had more time and I would make this site cover every Square Enix Game, mabey someday it will, but for now I will have to stick to X and X-2.
Well, I didn't get the pages as soon as I expected but I did get them. There is now a page on the Cactular Mini Game and for dodging lighting on Final Fantasy X. More, a lot more, to come.
Well, there haven't had any updates for I while but I should have a few pages to add either tommorw or the 27th.
I added a FFX page on the legendary wepons. So go check it out


Be sure to tell me if there is something else I should add to this site.